Why I’m Writing (Yet) Again (and Some Politics)

I’m writing for this blog again.

I hope I’ll be able to get into a habit of writing and posting regularly. I failed at my last attempt doing this and haven’t posted anything for over a year, although I did keep up pretty well with my sailing blog until I completed The Voyage last August.

Before resuming writing for this blog, I asked myself, “Why do it? Why try again? What is the purpose?”  Is it to just put myself out there in social media to try and be important and relevant, like millions of other so-called “influencers”. Is it to get the dopamine hits from “likes”? Is it a symptom of an inflated sense of self-importance? Is it because I think I have something important to say?

To be honest, I would have to answer “yes” to all of the above, to varying degrees. But these wouldn’t be reasons enough for me to resume writing here.

I’m writing again because words want to come out from me, expressions of self from the inside to the outside, from me to others.

What happened in my life over the past year had me turning inward to find peace and contentment within me.  Now I’m turning outward to act from that state of being. I don’t exactly understand why, other than having a sense of that I am opening and part of that opening involves expression.  Much of my inward experience is verbal in nature, my thoughts perceived most often as internally spoken words, so it seems natural that speaking and writing are my preferred means of outward expression.

So that’s why I’m really writing here.

I don’t mean to bore you with this self-analysis and, frankly, I’m feeling uncomfortably vulnerable while writing this, but these are the words that came out today.  In the future, I don’t intend to be writing about me. I intend to write “about life, politics, philosophy, arts, entertainment, food, travel, healthy living and more…”, as advertised.

So, here are some politics.

On Friday, I head to Nevada to work on Pete Buttigieg’s presidential campaign. He’s my current first choice candidate and I want to get involved with this election, despite my utter frustration with our current political system. Pete is young, intelligent, articulate and espouses values that I share. Perhaps his politics are too moderate to effect the big changes we really need, like Bernie proposes, but I sense that our country needs to calm down from extreme tribalism and heal from some grievous wounds before we try to tackle the big stuff.  A political moderate seems a better choice for now.  It also seems to me that Pete would do better than any other candidate in swing states, the only states that really matter in this election, unfortunately.  That’s why I’m volunteering for his campaign. That’s what I’m doing now, but be assured, I will ultimately support whomever is nominated to run against the incumbent, who is a clear and present danger to our country.

6 comments On Why I’m Writing (Yet) Again (and Some Politics)

  • Go for it, Stephen. I know you have many interesting thoughts and ideas and you know how much I like to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and hear other peoples thoughts and experiences. I currently write ot 25 people in various countries and States. Several others are local and are perhaps more casual and personal,but all interesting and thoughtful.
    I wish you and your candidate luck in Nevada and eventually in other states. I hope that the country CAN calm down and try to discern what will be best for all in the country and in the wider world. We have to be rid of the maniac(s) who are currently causing so much turmoil and are not principled or ethical and to my mind, actually evil!
    Look forward to hearing about your experience. Let me know where you will be centered.
    Love as always,

  • I’m glad that you’ve chosen to write again, Steve. I always find your thoughts interesting and informative. Good luck with offering your help to the Buttigieg campaign. That should be an interesting experience.

  • Richard Jorgensen

    My only concern with Pete is that if voters won’t vote for a woman, I have doubts they will vote for a gay man. He is I think by far the most articulate if those running.
    I have mixed feelings about Bloomberg but think he might actually have a chance.
    What is disheartening is the number of Bernie supporters who may not vote for another democratic candidate😟😖

    • Rick, I’m not sensing that Pete’s sexual orientation is a a major issue. He did very well in Iowa, a pretty conservative state. Only one voter brought it up during my canvassing here in Nevada and though it was a concern, it was minor compared the big issues we discussed. In any case, I can’t base my own support of any candidate based on their sexual orientation, just like I can’t base it on gender, race, ethnicity, hair color, lack of hair, body shape, etc….I base my support on a candidate’s policies, character and experience.

  • Could not agree more with your choice of candidate to support, although I have little knowledge of him over here, as we really do need to rid ourselves (the world) of the clear and present danger in the White House!
    Don’t worry about your introspection we all need a look at ourselves and what we do with our lives to make our surroundings a better place for those close and, not so close, to us.

    Best Wishes
    David Nichols, Gosport, Hampshire UK

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