COVID-19: What I’m Doing About It, Personally

So far, I covered how I presently see the COVID-19 pandemic and how I see it unfolding over the next year or two. Now I’m going to share what I’m doing about it as an individual.

I’m taking reasonable precautions. I’m doing what’s recommended to protect myself from COVID-19; washing my hands, avoiding close contact, wearing a mask when around others, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces. Ever since the county I live in issued its health order in mid-March


COVID-19: How I Presently See Things

I know I’m not alone in wondering and worrying about where the COVID-19 pandemic is taking us. Our current circumstances are highly uncertain, variable and complex and are in constant change. We seem to have little control over them.

However, if approached from a high enough level, I don’t find it too difficult to form a general, big-picture understanding of what is happening. And based on that understanding, it’s not too hard for me to envision some reasonable scenarios as


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