COVID-19: How I Presently See Things

I know I’m not alone in wondering and worrying about where the COVID-19 pandemic is taking us. Our current circumstances are highly uncertain, variable and complex and are in constant change. We seem to have little control over them.

However, if approached from a high enough level, I don’t find it too difficult to form a general, big-picture understanding of what is happening. And based on that understanding, it’s not too hard for me to envision some reasonable scenarios as


Colombia Wrap-up and Slideshow

I ended my trip to Colombia with a short flight from Medellín to Bogotá, an overnight stay in an airport hotel and then my flight back to the U.S. early the next morning. I had spent three weeks and covered a fair amount of ground, a good introduction to the country. This is the wrap up of my impressions from my trip.

Colombia is a big, diverse, beautiful country. I enjoyed the small colonial towns and tropical highland regions the


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