Feeling Good

It feels good to finally launch this blog. It is something I’ve wanted to do for months now, but had to fit in with my other ventures and it took some time to set up the way I wanted it.

It feels good to have a place to write about whatever I want to. Writing for me is a natural and comfortable way to express myself – my thoughts, my feelings, my beliefs. I love the process of writing, the observation, introspection, empathy for the reader and the crafting of language. So mostly, I write for me. But since I have my readers in mind when I write, writing is also a means of connecting to others. I agree with the prodigious author Stephen King that, of all the arts, writing is the purest distillation of telepathy, transporting the thoughts of one person to another across space and time. I love the magic in that. I love that others will read my words and interpret them with their own thoughts, feelings and beliefs. I love the risk in writing, that my words can be loved, hated, embraced, ignored, praised or ridiculed. There is a thrill in pressing the “publish” button on a blog and wondering what will happen, wondering if my words are of any significance at all.

It also feels good to have a place to write of my own, separated from social media, the algorithms of news feeds, the dopamine ups and downs of likes and emojis. I have taken a minimalist approach to the design of this blog site to keep the focus on the writing. I offer you a simple space to read my words or a means to subscribe to them via your own email, in either case free of advertisements and other distractions. I aspire to write words worth spending a bit of your time reading and hope you will sometimes find thoughtful, informative, moving, entertaining or some combination thereof. But it’s okay with me when you don’t.

I will be writing about what I come across in my life- in my reading, thinking, meditations, relationships, business, political activities, travels, eating, health, entertainment, recreation and more.  Perhaps this is a narcissistic endeavor for my own benefit, but I hope not. Rather, I hope that my storytelling connects us for each other’s enjoyment.

I wonder what will happen.

2 comments On Feeling Good

  • Go for it Stephen. I too love writing as many can testify to in the lengthy letters they receive and books of essays and poems, journals and various “scribblings” which are only meaningful to me. I find writing very therapeutic especially as you can always tear up or obliterate script produced by other means and sometimes the act of putting pen to paper indicates a momentous period in one’s life. There is much that is not shared during one’s lifetime and I am beginning to edit some of the more angry comments that have occurred from time to time, but I am gratified that these are few and far between, perhaps because anger and hurt serve little purpose unless one strives to forgive and gracefully accept situations and people generally.
    Write with love and kindness. I am sure that I do not have to utter those words to someone who is very aware of sensitivity and consideration. Do your best!!

    • I could see a man of my age feeling a bit embarrassed by having their Mom as such a big public fan of his blog. But I don’t. I’m grateful that you are still here to cheer me on and do it so thoughtfully, kindly and articulately. Thank you!

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